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Configuring Log File Locations

The Prizm Platform Services are made up of several different processes, each of which create and maintain their own logs. The logs are invaluable for diagnosing issues with the services if they arise. If you find yourself in this situation, please see the topic How to Package Log Files for Product Support to expedite your support request.

Each logging process has a default log file path that you can change if needed. This topic will discuss each process one by one and explain how to configure where log files are written.


The Watchdog uses the following default log file paths:

The Watchdog will only keep up to 7 days of log files. To change where the Watchdog log files are written:

  1. Open the watchdog config file:
  1. In the paths section, change the app_log_dir property to the path of a valid directory. Both relative and absolute path are supported but a forward slash should always be used as the directory separator, even on Windows. A relative directory will be relative to the Prizm Platform Services install directory, which is C:\Prizm\ on Windows and /usr/share/prizm on Linux.
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"paths": {
        "app_log_dir": [ "C:/some/custom/path" ],

Entry Points

The Server and Cloud Entry Points uses the following default log file paths:

The Entry Points will only keep up to 7 days of log files. To change where the Entry Points log files are written:

  1. Open the config file:
  1. Change the logFileName property so that the directory part of the existing path is the value you choose. It is recommended that you leave the filename portion of the path as the default value. The new log file directory must be valid and exist.
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        "logFileName": "C:/some/custom/path/plb.log",


The PCCIS service uses the following default log file paths:

The PCCIS service will only keep up to 7 days of log files. To change where the PCCIS service log file are written:

  1. Open the PCCIS config file:
  1. In the target element, change the fileName property so that the directory part of the existing path is the value you choose. It is recommended that you leave the filename portion of the path as the default value.
  2. In the target element, change the archiveFileName property so that the directory part of the existing path is the value you choose. It is recommended that you leave the filename portion of the path as the default value.
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<target … fileName="C:/some/custom/path/ImagingServices.log"  archiveFileName="C:/some/custom/path/ImagingServices-{#}.log" … />

PDF Conversion Service

The PDF Conversion Service uses the following default log file paths:

The PDF Conversion Service will only keep up to 7 days of log files. To change where the PDF Conversion Service log files are written:

  1. Open the config file:
  1. Change the logFileLocation property so that the directory part of the existing path is the value you choose. It is recommended that you leave the filename portion of the path as the default value. The new log file directory must be valid and exist.
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        "logFileLocation": "C:/some/custom/path/PDFConversionService.log",

Raster Conversion Service

The Raster Conversion Service uses the following default log file paths:

The Raster Conversion Service will only keep up to 7 days of log files. To change where the Raster Conversion Service log files are written:

  1. Open the config file:
  1. Change the logFileLocation property so that the directory part of the existing path is the value you choose. It is recommended that you leave the filename portion of the path as the default value. The new log file directory must be valid and exist.
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        "logFileLocation": "C:/some/custom/path/RasterConversionService.log",

Office Conversion Service

The Office Conversion Service uses the following default log file paths:

The Office Conversion Service will only keep up to 7 days of log files. To change where the Office Conversion Service log files are written:

  1. Open the config file:
  1. Change the logFileLocation property so that the directory part of the existing path is the value you choose. It is recommended that you leave the filename portion of the path as the default value. The new log file directory must be valid and exist.
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        "logFileLocation": "C:/some/custom/path/OfficeConversionService.log",

Proxy Server Service

The Proxy Server Service uses the following default log file paths:

The Proxy Server Service will only keep up to 7 days of log files. To change where the Raster Conversion Service log files are written:

  1. Open the config file:
  1. Change the jrunner.logfile property so that the directory part of the existing path is the value you choose. It is recommended that you leave the filename portion of the path as the default value.
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Nginx (Linux Only)

If you run PCC on Linux, Nginx is used to host the HTTP API for PCCIS. The proper version of Nginx is included with the product and set up for you during installation, but we do not change the default Nginx logging rules.

On a production machine, you will want to configure:

  1. Where Nginx stores its log files, and
  2. Ensure that Nginx log files are properly rotated and pruned.

Changing Nginx Log File Locations

Nginx offers some basic logging features commonly found in web servers such as enabling logs to record access and error history, as well as the ability to adjust the format of the content written to the logs.

PCC enables both the access log and error log for Nginx. You can adjust where these logs are stored by editing this config file:

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In this file, you can assign the paths you want for the error_log and access_log. In the excerpt below, you would alter the two paths which appear after error_log and access_log:

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error_log /usr/share/prizm/nginx/logs/error.log warn;

   log_format  main  '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
                     '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
                     '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for" $request_time';

   access_log /usr/share/prizm/nginx/logs/access.log main;

For more information about Nginx logging, please see the Nginx docs for the log module.

Limiting the Amount of Nginx Log Data That is Kept

By default, Nginx will continue writing to a single access log and a single error log for its entire lifetime. Over time these logs can grow very large to a point where they start consuming a significant about of storage space.

Fortunately, most Linux distributions include a utility called logrotate to help with this problem. PCC includes a logrotate configuration that will cause the Nginx access and error logs to be rotated daily, with the old logs being GZIP compressed and automatically deleted after 7 days. The logrotate configuration that PCC provides can be found in the following file:

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You may edit the file if you would like to adjust the log rotation settings for Nginx. See the logrotate man page for more information about available logrotate settings and their meanings.

Restart PCC (and IIS on Windows) for Logging Changes to Take Effect



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